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Boosting Sports to Boost Self-Esteem

One of the largest factors that several youth deal with today is in relation to their self-esteem.  Several suffer by looking at themselves as not good enough.  This may range from seeing their body image in the wrong light to seeing their mental states as not quite right.  There are ways to help youth with their self-esteem.  By suggesting and supporting things like sports, you will be certain to decrease their chances at unhealthy activities from a low self-esteem. 

It is known that when children enter into school, they will generally have a high self-esteem.  More than eighty percent of children in the first grade will start out by thinking highly of themselves and believing that they can do anything.  By the time these same children reach the fifth grade, the attitude towards themselves and the self-esteem has dropped to about twenty percent.  By the time children graduate from high school, the amount that has a high self esteem is at a low of five percent. 

Along with the low self-esteem come things such as drug use, early sex, and failure with steps towards a career.  At the same time, it is also being found that those who play sports are less likely to take part in these activities.  Instead, those who play sports are more likely to develop a higher self-esteem and participate in positive activities.  Because the children and youth are being challenged to succeed, and encouraged to continue through the use of a team and the sport, they are able to develop a better insight towards their own self-image. 

The idea of self-esteem in sports has become such a major component of the sports, that several areas are now committed to giving more youth activities outside of school specifically to battle low self-esteem and offer alternatives for success.  It is being found that no matter what type of physical activity or sport the youth participate in, it is helping to build them into better adults with a more positive outlook on whom they are. 

If you notice any type of anxiety, depression, or negative reaction from your child, their self-esteem may need some help.  If you want to make sure that they graduate from high school feeling good about their accomplishments, then you can enrol them in physical activity to help out.  By doing this, you will be able to give them another option away from the negative outlook that they may have. 

Laffies Gear assists with various sporting gear and can help you get into a sport club. We work hand in hand with one of the best tennis academies South Africa has ever see.

Come join the Laffies Network and start playing tennis in Midstream Estate.

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