For Tennis Lessons in Midstream Estates, Laerskool Tygerpoort and Modderfontein ensure that you contact JLs Tennis Academy Today! — Visit Now

Junior Tennis Tournaments

We are getting closer to the Nationals and Freestate Growthpoint tennis tournament.

JLs Tennis Academy that is also situated in Midstream Estates will be traveling down for both tournaments on the 19th of March 2020.

Now is a great time to start stocking up on all your equipment before heading off. There is nothing more frustrating that going on tour and realizing you have not been vigilant.

Your basic bag checklist for all players:

  • 2 of the same rackets strung at the same tension and strung with the same string.
  • 2 packets of strings for each racket in your bag.
  • 2 pairs of socks for the long days at the court where you play more than 3 matches per day.
  • A water bottle that holds at least 2 liter of water.
  • Good quality over grips. We advise the white Wilson Pro overgrip or the Luxilon Grey pro overgrip.
  • For those playing with dampers have at least 4 extra in your bag. Sometimes they pop out and you might lose yours if they shoot through the fence.
  • An ice towel that you hang on the fence to wipe the sweat off your face.
  • Sun screen
  • Hat/caps/visor x 2
  • Normal towel
  • Extra set of clothing
  • Flip flops or slops to wear between your matches.

Get yourself a bag big enough to carry everything.

There are bags on the market which come with a solar panel so that you can leave your phone on charge during your match, inquire about this in store.

All the above you can get at, do not hesitate to contact us for more info.

We will also be running a Nationals Special, be on the lookout for that!

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