You Are Using The Wrong Shoes For Netball!!!!

Have you ever wondered how important it is to use the correct footwear?

Many times I see parents buying sport shoes fir their toddlers from the cheapest places they can find without knowing what unjust they are pyrting their child through.

Being a busy parent can be stressful at times but that does not give you as parent the right to put footwear on your child just because its cheap or because they still don’t understand they have the right to wear equipment that support their activities.

Shoes are made with a specific purpose in mind and each sport has specific movements participants have to master to be able to participate.

One of the main sports I see this happen with is usually netball.

If you are a player that wear running shoes or you are a parent that buy running shoes for your daughter’s netball games you are one of the people that unfortunately have fallen into the trap of not knowing.

Perfect technique assists in maximum power output with minimal injuries .. and if your equipment does not support this you have to change as soon as possible.

The questions you should ask yourself are:

1. Does my shoe allow me to be quick off the mark?

2. Does my shoes allow me to do short sprints or do they support bursts of energy?

Here comes the tricky part ..

3. Does my shoes allow me to stop quickly?

4. Does my shoes have maximum supoort for side to side movements?

5. Does my shoes have maximum support for side to side movements while experiencing shorts bursts and quick stops?

If you are using shoes made for basic gym practice the shoes does not have enough support underneath your foot for the load you will put on your feet

If you have over cushioned runners your feet “search” for stability while it should assist with direction change.

If your shoes does not have reinforced ankles you can be sure your feet will get injured at some point.

So, what shoes are made for netball?

The answer you this question is easy … COURT SHOES!

Court shoes come in a wide range of different soled shoes; some are made for grass, some are made for clay, some are made for all weather surfaces, some are made for carpet, some are made for wooden floors … but they all have the same characteristics.

You will find no better shoe for your netball match than TENNIS SHOES.

From lacing up to support your heal, to shoe soles that are not overly cushioned and reinforcement over the heals and sides of your feet that assist with quick sideways movements you can be sure that high quality tennis shoes MUST be worn during netball.

We have a great range of court shoes that will help with your next netball practice.

Come to LAFFIES GEAR for more info on which shoes are correct for your sport.

Visit our website on ir come in store in Midstream Estate to view our range of running, hockey, rugby, cricket, sprinting and tennis shoes.